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组件可以使用 createEventDispatcher 或通过转发 DOM 事件来触发事件。

Components can emit events using createEventDispatcher or by forwarding DOM events.

	import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';

	const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();

<!-- programmatic dispatching -->
<button on:click={() => dispatch('hello')}> one </button>

<!-- declarative event forwarding -->
<button on:click> two </button>

监听组件事件看起来与监听 DOM 事件相同:

Listening for component events looks the same as listening for DOM events:

<SomeComponent on:whatever={handler} />

与 DOM 事件一样,如果使用不带值的 on: 指令,则事件将被转发,这意味着使用者可以监听该事件。

As with DOM events, if the on: directive is used without a value, the event will be forwarded, meaning that a consumer can listen for it.

<SomeComponent on:whatever />



你还可以使用 CSS 自定义属性将样式作为 props 传递给组件以实现主题化。

You can also pass styles as props to components for the purposes of theming, using CSS custom properties.

Svelte 的实现本质上是用于添加封装元素的语法糖。 这个例子:

Svelte's implementation is essentially syntactic sugar for adding a wrapper element. This example:

<Slider bind:value min={0} --rail-color="black" --track-color="rgb(0, 0, 255)" />


Desugars to this:

<div style="display: contents; --rail-color: black; --track-color: rgb(0, 0, 255)">
	<Slider bind:value min={0} max={100} />

Note: 由于这是一个额外的 <div>,请注意你的 CSS 结构可能会意外地针对此目标。 使用此功能时请注意添加的封装元素。

Note: Since this is an extra <div>, beware that your CSS structure might accidentally target this. Be mindful of this added wrapper element when using this feature.

对于 SVG 命名空间,上面的示例将糖去除为使用 <g>

For SVG namespace, the example above desugars into using <g> instead:

<g style="--rail-color: black; --track-color: rgb(0, 0, 255)">
	<Slider bind:value min={0} max={100} />

Note: 由于这是一个额外的 <g>,请注意你的 CSS 结构可能会意外地针对此目标。 使用此功能时请注意添加的封装元素。

Note: Since this is an extra <g>, beware that your CSS structure might accidentally target this. Be mindful of this added wrapper element when using this feature.

Svelte 的 CSS 变量支持允许轻松主题化组件:

Svelte's CSS Variables support allows for easily themeable components:

	.potato-slider-rail {
		background-color: var(--rail-color, var(--theme-color, 'purple'));


So you can set a high-level theme color:

/* global.css */
html {
	--theme-color: black;


Or override it at the consumer level:

<Slider --rail-color="goldenrod" />



你可以使用与元素相同的语法绑定到组件 props。

You can bind to component props using the same syntax as for elements.

<Keypad bind:value={pin} />

虽然 Svelte props 在没有绑定的情况下是反应性的,但默认情况下该反应性仅向下流入组件。 使用 bind:property 允许对组件内部的属性所做的更改流回组件之外。

While Svelte props are reactive without binding, that reactivity only flows downward into the component by default. Using bind:property allows changes to the property from within the component to flow back up out of the component.



组件还支持 bind:this,允许你以编程方式与组件实例交互。

Components also support bind:this, allowing you to interact with component instances programmatically.

<ShoppingCart bind:this={cart} />

<button on:click={() => cart.empty()}> Empty shopping cart </button>

请注意,我们不能执行 {cart.empty},因为当按钮首次渲染并引发错误时,cartundefined

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