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将组件编译为自定义元素时,$host 符文提供对主机元素的访问,允许你(例如)分派自定义事件 (demo):

¥When compiling a component as a custom element, the $host rune provides access to the host element, allowing you to (for example) dispatch custom events (demo):

<svelte:options customElement="my-stepper" />

	function dispatch(type) {
		$host().dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(type));

<button onclick={() => dispatch('decrement')}>decrement</button>
<button onclick={() => dispatch('increment')}>increment</button>
<svelte:options customElement="my-stepper" />

<script lang="ts">
	function dispatch(type) {
		$host().dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(type));

<button onclick={() => dispatch('decrement')}>decrement</button>
<button onclick={() => dispatch('increment')}>increment</button>
	import './Stepper.svelte';

	let count = $state(0);

	ondecrement={() => count -= 1}
	onincrement={() => count += 1}

<p>count: {count}</p>
<script lang="ts">
	import './Stepper.svelte';

	let count = $state(0);

	ondecrement={() => count -= 1}
	onincrement={() => count += 1}

<p>count: {count}</p>
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