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要全局将样式应用于单个选择器,请使用 :global(...) 修饰符:

¥To apply styles to a single selector globally, use the :global(...) modifier:

	:global(body) {
		/* applies to <body> */
		margin: 0;

	div :global(strong) {
		/* applies to all <strong> elements, in any component,
		   that are inside <div> elements belonging
		   to this component */
		color: goldenrod;

	p:global( {
		/* applies to all <p> elements belonging to this component
		   with `class="big red"`, even if it is applied
		   programmatically (for example by a library) */

如果你想使 @keyframes 可以全局访问,则需要在关键帧名称前面加上 -global-

¥If you want to make @keyframes that are accessible globally, you need to prepend your keyframe names with -global-.

-global- 部分将在编译时被删除,然后在代码中的其他地方仅使用 my-animation-name 引用关键帧。

¥The -global- part will be removed when compiled, and the keyframe will then be referenced using just my-animation-name elsewhere in your code.

	@keyframes -global-my-animation-name {
		/* code goes here */


要全局将样式应用于一组选择器,请创建一个 :global {...} 块:

¥To apply styles to a group of selectors globally, create a :global {...} block:

	:global {
		/* applies to every <div> in your application */
		div { ... }

		/* applies to every <p> in your application */
		p { ... }

	.a :global {
		/* applies to every `.b .c .d` element, in any component,
		   that is inside an `.a` element in this component */
		.b .c .d {...}

上面的第二个示例也可以写成等效的 .a :global .b .c .d 选择器,其中 :global 之后的所有内容都是无范围的,尽管嵌套形式是首选。

¥[!NOTE] The second example above could also be written as an equivalent .a :global .b .c .d selector, where everything after the :global is unscoped, though the nested form is preferred.

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