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操作是创建元素时调用的函数。你可以使用此界面来键入此类操作。以下示例定义了一个仅适用于 <div> 元素的操作,并可选择接受具有默认值的参数:

¥Actions are functions that are called when an element is created. You can use this interface to type such actions. The following example defines an action that only works on <div> elements and optionally accepts a parameter which it has a default value for:

export const 
const myAction: Action<HTMLDivElement, {
    someProperty: boolean;
} | undefined>
: type Action = /*unresolved*/ anyAction<HTMLDivElement, { someProperty: booleansomeProperty: boolean } | undefined> = (node: anynode,
param: {
    someProperty: boolean;
= { someProperty: booleansomeProperty: true }) => {
// ... }

Action<HTMLDivElement>Action<HTMLDivElement, undefined> 都表示该操作不接受任何参数。

¥Action<HTMLDivElement> and Action<HTMLDivElement, undefined> both signal that the action accepts no parameters.

你可以从函数中返回一个具有方法 updatedestroy 的对象,并键入它具有的附加属性和事件。有关更多详细信息,请参阅接口 ActionReturn

¥You can return an object with methods update and destroy from the function and type which additional attributes and events it has. See interface ActionReturn for more details.

interface Action<
	Element = HTMLElement,
	Parameter = undefined,
	Attributes extends Record<string, any> = Record<
> {}
<Node extends Element>(
	...args: undefined extends Parameter
		? [node: Node, parameter?: Parameter]
		: [node: Node, parameter: Parameter]
): void | ActionReturn<Parameter, Attributes>;



¥Actions can return an object containing the two properties defined in this interface. Both are optional.

  • 更新:一个动作可以有一个参数。Svelte 将更新应用于标记后,只要该参数发生变化,就会立即调用此方法。ActionReturnActionReturn<undefined> 都表示该操作不接受任何参数。

    ¥update: An action can have a parameter. This method will be called whenever that parameter changes, immediately after Svelte has applied updates to the markup. ActionReturn and ActionReturn<undefined> both mean that the action accepts no parameters.

  • dev”。卸载元素后调用的方法

    ¥destroy: Method that is called after the element is unmounted

此外,你可以指定操作在应用元素上启用哪些附加属性和事件。这仅适用于 TypeScript 类型,在运行时无效。

¥Additionally, you can specify which additional attributes and events the action enables on the applied element. This applies to TypeScript typings only and has no effect at runtime.


¥Example usage:

interface Attributes {
	Attributes.newprop?: string | undefinednewprop?: string;
	'on:event': (e: CustomEvent<boolean>e: interface CustomEvent<T = any>CustomEvent<boolean>) => void;

export function function myAction(node: HTMLElement, parameter: Parameter): ActionReturn<Parameter, Attributes>myAction(node: HTMLElementnode: HTMLElement, parameter: Parameterparameter: type Parameter = /*unresolved*/ anyParameter): type ActionReturn = /*unresolved*/ anyActionReturn<type Parameter = /*unresolved*/ anyParameter, Attributes> {
	// ...
	return {
		update: (updatedParameter: any) => voidupdate: (updatedParameter: anyupdatedParameter) => {...},
		destroy: () => {...}
interface ActionReturn<
	Parameter = undefined,
	Attributes extends Record<string, any> = Record<
> {}
update?: (parameter: Parameter) => void;
destroy?: () => void;
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