<svelte:boundary onerror={handler}>...</svelte:boundary>
此功能已在 5.3.0 中添加
¥[!NOTE] This feature was added in 5.3.0
¥Boundaries allow you to guard against errors in part of your app from breaking the app as a whole, and to recover from those errors.
如果在渲染或更新 <svelte:boundary>
的子项或运行其中包含的任何 $effect
¥If an error occurs while rendering or updating the children of a <svelte:boundary>
, or running any $effect
functions contained therein, the contents will be removed.
¥Errors occurring outside the rendering process (for example, in event handlers) are not caught by error boundaries.
要使边界执行任何操作,必须提供 failed
和 onerror
¥For the boundary to do anything, one or both of failed
and onerror
must be provided.
如果提供了 failed
代码片段,它将与抛出的错误一起渲染,并重新创建内容的 reset
¥If a failed
snippet is provided, it will be rendered with the error that was thrown, and a reset
function that recreates the contents (demo):
<FlakyComponent />
{#snippet failed(error, reset)}
<button onclick={reset}>oops! try again</button>
与 传递给组件的代码片段 一样,
代码片段可以作为属性明确传递...¥[!NOTE] As with snippets passed to components, the
snippet can be passed explicitly as a property...
> <svelte:boundary {failed}>...</svelte:boundary>
> ```
> ...或通过在边界内直接声明它来隐式地进行,如上例所示。
> ¥...or implicitly by declaring it directly inside the boundary, as in the example above.
### `onerror`
如果提供了 `onerror` 函数,它将使用相同的两个 `error` 和 `reset` 参数进行调用。这对于使用错误报告服务跟踪错误很有用...
¥If an `onerror` function is provided, it will be called with the same two `error` and `reset` arguments. This is useful for tracking the error with an error reporting service...
<svelte:boundary onerror={(e) => report(e)}>
...或在边界本身之外使用 error
和 reset
¥...or using error
and reset
outside the boundary itself:
let error = $state(null);
let reset = $state(() => {});
function onerror(e, r) {
error = e;
reset = r;
<svelte:boundary {onerror}>
<FlakyComponent />
{#if error}
<button onclick={() => {
error = null;
oops! try again
如果在 onerror
¥If an error occurs inside the onerror
function (or if you rethrow the error), it will be handled by a parent boundary if such exists.