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import {
class Spring<T>
interface Spring<T>

A wrapper for a value that behaves in a spring-like fashion. Changes to will cause spring.current to move towards it over time, taking account of the spring.stiffness and spring.damping parameters.

	import { Spring } from 'svelte/motion';

	const spring = new Spring(0);

&#x3C;input type="range" bind:value={} />
&#x3C;input type="range" bind:value={spring.current} disabled />
class Tween<T>

A wrapper for a value that tweens smoothly to its target value. Changes to will cause tween.current to move towards it over time, taking account of the delay, duration and easing options.

	import { Tween } from 'svelte/motion';

	const tween = new Tween(0);

&#x3C;input type="range" bind:value={} />
&#x3C;input type="range" bind:value={tween.current} disabled />
const prefersReducedMotion: MediaQuery

A media query that matches if the user prefers reduced motion.

	import { prefersReducedMotion } from 'svelte/motion';
	import { fly } from 'svelte/transition';

	let visible = $state(false);

&#x3C;button onclick={() => visible = !visible}>

{#if visible}
	&#x3C;p transition:fly={{ y: prefersReducedMotion.current ? 0 : 200 }}>
		flies in, unless the user prefers reduced motion
function spring<T = any>(value?: T | undefined, opts?: SpringOpts | undefined): Spring<T>

The spring function in Svelte creates a store whose value is animated, with a motion that simulates the behavior of a spring. This means when the value changes, instead of transitioning at a steady rate, it “bounces” like a spring would, depending on the physics parameters provided. This adds a level of realism to the transitions and can enhance the user experience.

@deprecatedUse Spring instead
function tweened<T>(value?: T | undefined, defaults?: TweenedOptions<T> | undefined): Tweened<T>

A tweened store in Svelte is a special type of store that provides smooth transitions between state values over time.

@deprecatedUse Tween instead
} from 'svelte/motion';


自 5.8.0 起可用

¥Available since 5.8.0

一个值的封装器,其行为类似于弹簧。对 的更改将导致 spring.current 随着时间的推移向其移动,同时考虑到 spring.stiffnessspring.damping 参数。

¥A wrapper for a value that behaves in a spring-like fashion. Changes to will cause spring.current to move towards it over time, taking account of the spring.stiffness and spring.damping parameters.

	import { Spring } from 'svelte/motion';

	const spring = new Spring(0);

<input type="range" bind:value={} />
<input type="range" bind:value={spring.current} disabled />
class Spring<T> {}
constructor(value: T, options?: SpringOpts);
static of<U>(fn: () => U, options?: SpringOpts): Spring<U>;

创建一个弹簧,其值绑定到 fn 的返回值。这必须在效果根内调用(例如,在组件初始化期间)。

¥Create a spring whose value is bound to the return value of fn. This must be called inside an effect root (for example, during component initialisation).

	import { Spring } from 'svelte/motion';

	let { number } = $props();

	const spring = Spring.of(() => number);
set(value: T, options?: SpringUpdateOpts): Promise<void>; 设置为 value 并返回一个 Promise,该 Promisespring.current 赶上它时解析。

¥Sets to value and returns a Promise that resolves if and when spring.current catches up to it.

如果 options.instanttrue,则 spring.current 立即匹配

¥If options.instant is true, spring.current immediately matches

如果提供了 options.preserveMomentum,则弹簧将继续其当前轨迹指定的毫秒数。这对于 ‘fling’ 手势之类的东西很有用。

¥If options.preserveMomentum is provided, the spring will continue on its current trajectory for the specified number of milliseconds. This is useful for things like ‘fling’ gestures.

damping: number;
precision: number;
stiffness: number;
target: T;

spring 的结束值。此属性仅存在于 Spring 类中,而不是旧版 spring 存储中。

¥The end value of the spring. This property only exists on the Spring class, not the legacy spring store.

get current(): T;

spring 的当前值。此属性仅存在于 Spring 类中,而不是旧版 spring 存储中。

¥The current value of the spring. This property only exists on the Spring class, not the legacy spring store.



自 5.8.0 起可用

¥Available since 5.8.0

一个值的封装器,可平滑地补间到其目标值。对 的更改将导致 tween.current 随着时间的推移而向其靠拢,同时考虑到 delaydurationeasing 选项。

¥A wrapper for a value that tweens smoothly to its target value. Changes to will cause tween.current to move towards it over time, taking account of the delay, duration and easing options.

	import { Tween } from 'svelte/motion';

	const tween = new Tween(0);

<input type="range" bind:value={} />
<input type="range" bind:value={tween.current} disabled />
class Tween<T> {}
static of<U>(fn: () => U, options?: TweenedOptions<U> | undefined): Tween<U>;

创建一个补间,其值绑定到 fn 的返回值。这必须在效果根内调用(例如,在组件初始化期间)。

¥Create a tween whose value is bound to the return value of fn. This must be called inside an effect root (for example, during component initialisation).

	import { Tween } from 'svelte/motion';

	let { number } = $props();

	const tween = Tween.of(() => number);
constructor(value: T, options?: TweenedOptions<T>);
set(value: T, options?: TweenedOptions<T> | undefined): Promise<void>; 设置为 value 并返回一个 Promise,该 Promisetween.current 赶上它时解析。

¥Sets to value and returns a Promise that resolves if and when tween.current catches up to it.

如果提供了 options,它们将覆盖补间的默认值。

¥If options are provided, they will override the tween’s defaults.

get current(): T;
set target(v: T);
get target(): T;


自 5.7.0 起可用

¥Available since 5.7.0

如果用户 倾向于减少运动,则匹配 媒体查询

¥A media query that matches if the user prefers reduced motion.

	import { prefersReducedMotion } from 'svelte/motion';
	import { fly } from 'svelte/transition';

	let visible = $state(false);

<button onclick={() => visible = !visible}>

{#if visible}
	<p transition:fly={{ y: prefersReducedMotion.current ? 0 : 200 }}>
		flies in, unless the user prefers reduced motion
const prefersReducedMotion: MediaQuery;


改用 Spring

¥Use Spring instead

Svelte 中的 spring 函数创建一个存储,其值是动画的,其运动模拟了弹簧的行为。这意味着当值发生变化时,它不是以稳定的速率过渡,而是像弹簧一样 “bounces”,具体取决于提供的物理参数。这为过渡增加了一定程度的真实感,并可以增强用户体验。

¥The spring function in Svelte creates a store whose value is animated, with a motion that simulates the behavior of a spring. This means when the value changes, instead of transitioning at a steady rate, it “bounces” like a spring would, depending on the physics parameters provided. This adds a level of realism to the transitions and can enhance the user experience.

function spring<T = any>(
	value?: T | undefined,
	opts?: SpringOpts | undefined
): Spring<T>;


改用 Tween

¥Use Tween instead

Svelte 中的补间存储是一种特殊类型的存储,可随时间提供状态值之间的平滑过渡。

¥A tweened store in Svelte is a special type of store that provides smooth transitions between state values over time.

function tweened<T>(
	value?: T | undefined,
	defaults?: TweenedOptions<T> | undefined
): Tweened<T>;


interface Spring<T> extends Readable<T> {}
set(new_value: T, opts?: SpringUpdateOpts): Promise<void>;
update: (fn: Updater<T>, opts?: SpringUpdateOpts) => Promise<void>;
  • 已弃用 仅存在于旧版 spring 存储中,不存在于 Spring 类中

    ¥deprecated Only exists on the legacy spring store, not the Spring class

subscribe(fn: (value: T) => void): Unsubscriber;
  • 已弃用 仅存在于旧版 spring 存储中,不存在于 Spring 类中

    ¥deprecated Only exists on the legacy spring store, not the Spring class

precision: number;
damping: number;
stiffness: number;



interface Tweened<T> extends Readable<T> {}
set(value: T, opts?: TweenedOptions<T>): Promise<void>;
update(updater: Updater<T>, opts?: TweenedOptions<T>): Promise<void>;